1. Discover credit card with online access
2. S0CKS5
3. Bank Log
1. Go to google and type discover credit card login and login. ( Hope everyone know how to login to CCs).
*AVAILABLE CREDIT* İs the amount of money on the credit card
*CURRENT BALANCE* İs the limit of amount you need to load.
*TOTAL CREDIT LINE* İs the Available credit + current balance
- Click on make payment and add amount not more than Current balance amount
- You'll will be asked for a PAYMENT SOURCE İ.e where the money
should be taken from.
( This is the Bank login you buy from your spammer source. )
- If you want to add a new account info, just click on UPDATE
BANK ACCT and input the ACCOUNT NUMBER and ROUTING NUMBER of the bank login.
- Click on SELECTA BANK and choose the name of you bank login you bought
- Click on CONTINUE
- Check and make sure everything is correct, if not you can make
the final changes.
Done ✅