Meleki Update: California refund method

Meleki Update: California refund method 

Applying for California  Tax return   It pays up to $28,000 to $80,000 but it will depend on your info and the client work or credit score, this Tips is  straightforward procedure. ( California tax return ) is currently giving out a funds to tax victims that occurred on 2022. I will be walking through the steps to file this application. This method is quite a long guide, but I will complete it 

Disclaimer: Below is an illustration of "How to apply for California Tax return , this article is only for educational purposes, and I may not be responsible for any damage cost.

Required/ Tools Needed:

  1. SSN Number 
  2. First and last name
  3. DOB
  4. RDP or any Good VPN 
  5. Create an email matching your SSN details
  6. Google Voice Number or Text Now number from the given address below
  7. Bank Account or RN or AN matching the SSN.
  8. Hight that appears on your DL